Home » Bill Hearings for Week of January 27, 2025

Bill Hearings for Week of January 27, 2025

  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 141 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 23 and opposition of 26 with 0 being of interest.
Of the 42 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 9 and opposition of 8 with 1 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Support HB208 relative to certification requirements for school nurses. Education Policy and Administration Mon 1/27 11:00 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill changes credential standards for school nurses.
Support HB68 making best interest placements within the same school district mandatory in the absence of a valid reason to deny the placement. Education Policy and Administration Mon 1/27 1:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires superintendents to approve student requests for reassignment within the same school district, and requires superintendents to provide written reasons to parents for denials of requests.
Support HB189 defining “clean energy” and the department of energy’s 10-year state energy strategy to include new technology small-scale nuclear energy, renewable energy, and fuel diversity; and, removing references to the energy efficiency and sustainable energy board. Science, Technology and Energy Mon 1/27 9:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill defines “clean energy” to mean small-scale nuclear energy, renewable energy, and fuel diversity and makes it part of the department of energy’s 10-year state energy strategy. This bill also removes reference to the energy efficiency and sustainable energy board.
Support HB224 relative to rebates to ratepayers from the renewable energy fund. Science, Technology and Energy Mon 1/27 10:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill requires moneys paid into the renewable energy fund to be rebated to ratepayers.
Oppose HB553 relative to the definition of abuse and neglect and conditions triggering a rebuttable presumption of harm in abuse and neglect cases. Children and Family Law Tue 1/28 1:30 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill makes modifications to the purpose statement, definitions, and terms of rebuttable presumption for abuse and neglect.
Oppose SB81 increasing the annual real estate transfer tax revenue contribution and making an appropriation to the affordable housing fund. Commerce Tue 1/28 9:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill increases the amount of annual real estate transfer tax revenues that are transferred to the affordable housing fund.
Oppose SB82 relative to the housing opportunity project extension and homes for homeland heroes grant program. Commerce Tue 1/28 9:45 AM SH Room 100 This bill incentivizes New Hampshire counties and municipalities to open land for affordable workforce housing by establishing housing opportunity zones, setting zoning and design requirements, mandating owner-occupancy, providing state grants, and exempting initial property transfers from real estate transfer taxes.
Support SB78 relative to the zoning board of adjustments appeal period. Commerce Tue 1/28 10:00 AM SH Room 100 This bill removes the zoning board of adjustment’s discretion for determining when to take an appeal and replaces it with a non-discretionary 30-day period.
Support SB84 relative to zoning procedures concerning residential housing. Commerce Tue 1/28 10:15 AM SH Room 100 This bill sets maximum lot sizes for single-family residential uses based on the type of infrastructure servicing the lot.
Support SB91 allowing one-time special appraisals of residences located in commercial zones. Commerce Tue 1/28 10:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill allows owners of a residence in an industrial or commercial zone to file one application for a special appraisal of the residence based on its current use as a residence.
Support SB97 relative to intra-district public school transfers. Education Tue 1/28 9:50 AM LOB Room 101 This bill authorizes parents to transfer their children to other schools within their resident district as long as such school has the capacity to accommodate the student.
Support SB101 authorizing parents to enroll their children in any public school in the state. Education Tue 1/28 10:30 AM LOB Room 101 This bill allows parents to send their children to public schools outside of their resident district.
Oppose HB651 modifying the base cost and differential aid costs of an adequate education. Education Funding Tue 1/28 10:00 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill increases the base cost and differential aid costs of an adequate education and expands the definition of the cost of an adequate education.
Oppose HB583 relative to state participation in the Medicaid direct certification program for free and reduced price school meals. Education Funding Tue 1/28 11:00 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires the department of education to seek participation in the Medicaid direct certification methodology for school meals program for free and reduced price meals for students in public kindergarten, elementary, and secondary schools.
Oppose HB646 requiring school districts to establish an online application for participation in the free and reduced price meal program. Education Funding Tue 1/28 1:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill directs the department of education to adopt rules to require school districts to offer online and physical free or reduced price school meals applications. It also requires the department to provide administrative and technical assistance to districts for this purpose and makes an appropriation therefor.
Oppose HB703 relative to prohibiting school districts from denying meals to students with unpaid meal balances, and making an appropriation therefor. Education Funding Tue 1/28 1:45 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires school districts with meal programs approved to operate through the United States Department of Agriculture to adopt school meal policies that do not deny or stigmatize students with unpaid meal balances. It also requires the department of education to pay for school meal debts accrued by students participating in the USDA National School Lunch program, and makes an appropriation therefor.
Support HB656 relative to the authority of local school districts to accept federal grants. Education Funding Tue 1/28 2:15 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires that all funds disbursed from a federal government unit to a school district be deemed unanticipated money for the purposes of appropriation of unanticipated funds made available during the year. It also requires that the notice of a hearing for action on unanticipated funds, or minutes of the school board meeting that takes action on unanticipated funds, include a summary of any obligations incurred by accepting the funds.
Oppose HB716 making an appropriation for the dual and concurrent enrollment program. Education Funding Tue 1/28 3:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill makes an appropriation to the community college system of New Hampshire for the purpose of providing scholarships and program support for the dual and concurrent enrollment program.
Oppose HB423 requiring the consent of property owners for the placement of political advertisements on public property abutting their land. Election Law Tue 1/28 10:40 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill: I. Requires the consent of the closest abutting property owner to a public rights-of-way prior to the placement of political advertisements on said public property. II. Allows a private citizen whose property abuts public property to remove or take down political advertisements on said public property.
Of Interest SB106 relative to the participation of customer generators in net energy metering. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 1/28 9:20 AM SH Room 103 This bill requires large customer-generators participating in net energy metering to consume at least 20 percent of their own generation.
Oppose HB355 relative to the membership of the solid waste working group. Environment and Agriculture Tue 1/28 1:00 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill changes a member on the solid waste working group and extends the due dates for interim and final reports.
Oppose HB171 establishing a moratorium on the issuance of permits for new landfills. Environment and Agriculture Tue 1/28 2:00 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill establishes a moratorium on the issuance of permits for new landfills.
Oppose SB64 relative to an appropriation to the department of justice for the purpose of funding the New Hampshire child advocacy centers. Finance Tue 1/28 1:15 PM SH Room 103 This bill appropriates $3,000,000 to the department of justice for the purpose of funding the New Hampshire child advocacy centers.
Oppose SB113 making appropriations to the department of health and human services for homeless services and homeless prevention. Finance Tue 1/28 1:25 PM SH Room 103 This bill makes appropriations to the department of health and human services to support homeless prevention, rehousing, and homeless shelter services, and directs the renewal of the 1915(i) Medicaid state plan amendment for supportive housing services.
Oppose SB117 making an appropriation to the department of education to fund the online tutoring program. Finance Tue 1/28 1:55 PM SH Room 103 This bill makes an appropriation of $1,000,000 to the department of education to fund the online tutoring program, Tutor.com.
Oppose HB572 establishing the “partners in housing” program, a low-interest loan and grant program under the housing champions fund to assist municipalities, counties, and developers in building workforce housing. Housing Tue 1/28 10:00 AM LOB Room 305 This bill creates the “partners in housing” program, a low-interest loan and grant program under the housing champions fund to assist municipalities, counties, and developers in building modestly priced housing, and provides an additional $10 million in funding for the housing champions fund.
Oppose HB604 relative to a loan forgiveness program for low-income homeowners to build new accessory dwelling units or renovate existing structures into accessory dwelling units. Housing Tue 1/28 10:30 AM LOB Room 305 This bill establishes a conditional loan forgiveness program to encourage lower-income homeowners to construct or renovate accessory dwelling units.
Oppose HB558 creating a public county registry of the monthly rent charged by landlords for each owned unit and prohibiting landlords from using algorithms or software to determine rental rates. Housing Tue 1/28 1:30 PM LOB Room 305 This bill creates a public registry of rents and prohibits landlords from using any algorithms or software to determine rental rates, and requires an affidavit attesting to compliance.
Oppose HB628 prohibiting landlords from discriminating against prospective tenants holding certain vouchers under the housing choice voucher program. Housing Tue 1/28 2:00 PM LOB Room 305 This bill prohibits discrimination against tenants holding certain vouchers for purposes of renting dwellings.
Oppose HB623 relative to prohibiting corporations from purchasing single-family homes for a certain amount of time. Housing Tue 1/28 2:30 PM LOB Room 305 This bill restricts the acquisition of single-family and multi-family housing to natural persons with certain exceptions. It requires any non-natural person acquiring such housing under these exceptions to register and file reports with the secretary of state.
Oppose SB49 establishing the crime of and penalties for unlawful use of unmanned aircraft systems. Judiciary Tue 1/28 1:00 PM SH Room 100 This bill establishes the crime of and penalties for unlawful use of small unmanned aircraft systems. This bill is at the request of the department of safety.
Oppose SB54 relative to refusal of consent to testing to determine alcohol concentration and penalties for aggravated driving while intoxicated. Judiciary Tue 1/28 1:30 PM SH Room 100 This bill modifies periods of suspension under different circumstances stemming from a refusal of consent to testing to determine alcohol concentration. This bill further modifies the penalties for aggravated driving while intoxicated.
Oppose HB586 establishing an employee assistance program for small town first responders and making an appropriation therefor. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 1/28 11:45 AM LOB Room 307 This bill establishes a fund to cover the costs of enrolling first responders from small communities into the state-provided Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and outlines eligibility, enrollment, and reporting requirements for the department of health and human services. This bill also makes an appropriation for the fund.
Oppose HB303 relative to requiring the department of labor review and adopt workers’ occupational safety requirements that are similar to OSHA standards. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 1/28 1:45 PM LOB Room 307 This bill: I. Requires state employers to adhere to OSHA-level safety standards. II. Authorizes the commissioner to adopt rules, review standards annually, and update them as needed. III. Provides for the hiring of up to 6 labor inspectors and one support staff to enforce these standards.
Oppose HB378 relative to an employee’s unused earned time. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 1/28 2:45 PM LOB Room 307 This bill requires an employer to pay an employee for unused earned time.
Support HB735 relative to elections in collective bargaining. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 1/28 3:30 PM LOB Room 307 This bill provides for changes to public employee bargaining unit voting.
Support HB375 allowing municipalities to designate sections of state and local highways for all terrain vehicles. Public Works and Highways Tue 1/28 10:00 AM LOB Room 201 This bill allows a municipality’s governing body to designate any part of any state or local highway, including any bridges or road connectors on those highways, for ATV use.
Oppose HB181 relative to making the state responsible for maintaining Opticom systems for fire and emergency on state roads and making an appropriation therefor. Public Works and Highways Tue 1/28 10:30 AM LOB Room 201 This bill expands the department of transportation’s responsibility to include the maintenance of traffic signal preemption technology and makes an appropriation therefor.
Oppose HB300 relative to directing the department of transportation to issue a request for proposals regarding the Conway Branch rail line and establishing a study committee to investigate the future of railroads in the state. Public Works and Highways Tue 1/28 11:00 AM LOB Room 201 This bill directs the department of transportation issue a request for proposals regarding the Conway Branch rail line and establishes a study committee to investigate the future of railroads in the state.
Support HB100 prohibiting the use of state funds for new passenger rail projects. Public Works and Highways Tue 1/28 11:30 AM LOB Room 201 This bill prohibits the department of transportation from utilizing state funds for the planning, construction, operation, or management of new passenger rail projects.
Support HB504 relative to the state energy policy. Science, Technology and Energy Tue 1/28 10:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill revises the state energy policy to promote affordable, reliable, and secure energy resources for the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens.
Support HB209 allowing a new vehicle purchased in the model year or before to be inspected in the second year after purchase. Transportation Tue 1/28 10:40 AM LOB Room 203 This bill allows new vehicles purchased in the model year or before to be inspected in the second year after purchase.
Support SB39 relative to establishing an alternative driver education program. Transportation Tue 1/28 1:00 PM LOB Room 101 This bill establishes an alternative driver education program and authorizes the commissioner of safety to develop and adopt rules for said purpose.
Support SB40 relative to safe boater education certificates. Transportation Tue 1/28 1:15 PM LOB Room 101 This bill adds an online examination approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) to the safe boater education certificate qualification and requires the department of safety to adopt rules relative to its implementation.
Support HB135 relative to the collection of sales taxes of foreign jurisdictions by New Hampshire businesses. Ways and Means Tue 1/28 10:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill states that no New Hampshire business shall be required to collect sales taxes for a foreign jurisdiction unless mandated by Congress or New Hampshire law.
Support HB155 reducing the rate of the business enterprise tax. Ways and Means Tue 1/28 10:45 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill reduces the rate of the business enterprise tax for tax years ending on or after December 31, 2026.
Oppose HB502 relative to complete corporate reporting for unitary businesses under the business profits tax and revenues from the state education property tax. Ways and Means Tue 1/28 11:15 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill: I. Repeals the water’s edge combined group provisions of the business profits tax. II. Requires the department of revenue administration to receive the revenues from thestate education property tax and deposit them in the education trust fund. III. Revises the procedures for calculating state education grants. IV. Modifies the criteria for relief under the low and moderate income homeowners property tax relief program. V. Establishes a committee to study the low and moderate income homeowners property tax relief program.
Support HB417 relative to repealing the communications services tax. Ways and Means Tue 1/28 1:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill: I. Reduces the rate of the communications services tax for the 2026 tax year. II. Abolishes the communications services tax in the 2027 tax year.
Oppose HB596 relative to reporting requirements for entities that collect meals and rooms taxes. Ways and Means Tue 1/28 1:45 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill requires the department of revenue administration to collect and report to cities and towns the amount of meals and room tax revenues collected in the city or town.
Oppose HB648 relative to insurance coverage for glucose monitoring. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 1/29 10:30 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill requires health insurance providers to cover glucose monitoring devices and supplies for individuals with diabetes.
Support HB639 relative to the use of and disputes over blockchain and digital currencies. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 1/29 1:15 PM LOB Room 302-304 This bill: I. Creates an act to protect blockchain technology and its users. II. Amends definitions pertaining to decentralized autonomous organizations. III. Establishes a blockchain dispute docket to oversee blockchain-related disputes.
Support HB388 requiring local school boards to issue public reports on special education in their district. Education Policy and Administration Wed 1/29 11:15 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires superintendents to provide public quarterly reports to school boards on special education statistics within their district.
Support SB94 prohibiting municipal amendments to the state building code. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 1/29 9:30 AM SH Room 103 This bill prohibits all local legislative bodies from adopting any new regulations that differ from the state building code.
Support SB74 relative to real property annual reporting requirements of state departments for permitting programs. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 1/29 10:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill requires all state departments administering permitting programs to annually report detailed information on their permitting activities to the senate president, speaker of the house, and relevant committee chairs.
Oppose HB278 relative to proxy carbon pricing in state procurement. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 1/29 11:15 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill requires the department of administrative services to consider proxy carbon pricing in transportation costs and building project costs.
Oppose SB75 providing health insurance carriers access to the state immunization registry and making an appropriation therefor. Health and Human Services Wed 1/29 9:30 AM LOB Room 101 This bill allows health insurance carriers to access the state immunization registry and makes an appropriation to the department of health and human services for this purpose.
Support HB254 relative to options for end of life care. Judiciary Wed 1/29 1:00 PM SH Room Reps Hall This bill establishes a procedure for an individual with terminal illness to receive medical aid-in-dying medication. The bill establishes criteria for the prescription of such medication and establishes reporting requirements and penalties for misuse or noncompliance.
Oppose HB56 requiring a background check and mandatory waiting period during certain firearm transfers. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 1/30 10:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill requires firearm transfers to be subject to a criminal background check and a mandatory waiting period, subject to certain exceptions.
Support HB207 relative to repealing the prohibition on the possession or sale of blackjacks, slung shots, and metallic knuckles except by or to minors. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 1/30 11:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill amends the prohibition against carrying or selling a blackjack, slung shot, or metallic knuckles to prohibit sale to or possession of the said items by those under 18 years of age.
Oppose HB352 prohibiting possession of a firearm at a polling place. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 1/30 12:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill prohibits possessing a firearm at a polling place and includes certain exceptions. This bill further allows individuals who are unwilling or unable to comply with this prohibition to vote by absentee ballot.
Support HB381 exempting firearms and firearm accessories manufactured for in-state use only from the National Firearm Act. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 1/30 1:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill exempts firearms and firearm accessories manufactured for in-state use only from the National Firearm Act.
Support HB551 repealing the license to sell pistols and revolvers. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 1/30 3:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill repeals the local licensing requirement for the sale of pistols and revolvers.
Support HB581 establishing a state retirement plan group for new state employee members of the retirement system. Executive Departments and Administration Thu 1/30 2:00 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill establishes a group III, defined contribution state retirement plan for new state employee members of the retirement system, who begin service on or after July 1, 2025. All new employees of state employers on and after July 1, 2025 will be required to join the group III defined contribution plan as administered by the retirement system, and any other group I employees may join.
Support HB230 relative to the adoption of public health ordinances by municipalities. Municipal and County Government Thu 1/30 10:30 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill changes when town public health officials may make regulations relating to public health.
Support HB146 relative to the use of body-worn cameras. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 1/31 12:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill requires an arresting agency to preserve and disclose upon request body-worn camera recordings related to certain motor vehicle stops.
Support HB698 criminalizing the act of a person claiming to be a member of law enforcement when the person is not in uniform and cannot produce identification proving the claim. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 1/31 1:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill creates a felony-level offense for claiming to be law enforcement when not in uniform and being unable to produce identification to prove the claim.
Support HB640 relative to the transparency of federal agency operations within New Hampshire. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 1/31 3:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill directs the attorney general to collect and publish certain information regarding federal agency operations within the state.